Attack On Titan is the greatest anime (ever)

作成日 2021/08/17 / 得票はありません → 投票する


Attack On Titan is the greatest anime (ever)

Attack On Titan is the greatest anime (ever)



Attack On Titan has the greatest title as well because the people are raising an attack on the titans. but also because the japanese name of the anime, Shingeki No Kyojin means attack titan which is a type of titan that you will see a few episodes into the series. Attack on titan was not a wrong translation, the author Isayama said it sounded cooler and I think he’s right. (attack on titan) attack on titan () :) ()  (attack on titan has the greatest title aswell)
Attack On Titan (is the greatest anime) Attack On Titan is the best anime () AOT is (the best anime) :) (hi)
