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謝罪の烏丸 (DAGA WATASHI HA AYAMARANAI)灼熱のゴリラ (attack on titan)Tanjung Bungah (進撃の丹绒武雅)Fuck You Jake (go to hell you shitposting faggot)池田の茂美 (SHIGEMI KOWAIDESYOU)Fuck You Jake (go to hell)池田の茂美 (茂美、怖いでしょう)進撃のピクミン (attack on pikmim)Fuck You, Jake (go to hell)King Reginald (Dominus edginess)Jake Jacob (Dominus edginess)進撃の巨人 (attack on titan)進撃のちんすこう (attack on Okinawansweet)とーほゆのなまめさまーはもや (attack on titan)パカパカ (pakapaka)I'm late for school (はよ起きろ)星武在女厕装CCTV (学校的女厕)進撃の数学 (attack on math)進撃の巨人 (attack on titan)考察 (attack on titan)Jake Jacob (Ex ore Domini)星武学校女厕装CCTV (attack on titan)星武学校的女厕装CCTV (attack on titan)YOUR OPINION (is shit compared to mine.)星武讲他在学校的女厕装CCTV (attack on titan)進撃のりなっち (attack on titan)get up early (はよ起きろ)Bitch Faggot (You have shit taste lel)You're a faggot (You have shit taste lel)退却の巨人 (sayounara)Jake Jacob (Uxoris Mashiro)進撃の鳴袋 (attack on michael)Jake Jacob (Dominus stupri stercore)D4C (Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap)進撃の巨人 (attack on titan)団員募集 (attack on titan)ジム (attack on titan)進撃の巨人 (attack on titan)ジム (attack on titan)漆黒の翼 (attack on titan)
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