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ハーベスト (バタートースト)天体観測 (attack on titan)寝落ちする (attack on titan)OMFGのSOUL (attack on titan)Greeen (attack on titan)Michele è stronzo (Pietro è mitico!)暴走中 (bousouchu)進撃の北原 (attack on kitahara)進撃の課題 (attack on Task)進撃の正恩 (Kim Jong-un)進撃の巨人 (attack on titan)甲鉄城のカバネリ (KABANERI OF THE IRON FORTRESS)東京喰種 ()生徒と先生 (Angel and Satan)アホくさ (fuck of stupid)やらねえよ、バーカ (fuck of stupid)やらねえよ、バーカ (attack on titan)エビアレルギー (attack on titan)中1 (attack on titan)1年 (attack on titan)進撃の巨人 (attack on titan)D組 (attack on titan)進撃の中性 (Keigo Yamada)二中 (attack on titan)田無二 (attack on titan)鼻血の橘川 (attack on titan)D組の優勝 (attack on titan)We are 2-1 (attack on titan)進撃のりこ (attack on titan)進撃の巨人 (attack on titan)イモリの井口 ()井口の護衛 ()オタク連盟 (What's wrong with geek)ムチャブリ過ぎる (attack on titan)進撃の煮組 (attack on nikumi)進撃の3A (We will win the championship)進撃の3A (3AVICTORY)進撃の3A (やっちゃA 勝っちゃA 暴れちゃA)進撃のE.S (-We`ll keep it safe and sound-)進撃のE.S (-We`ll keep it safe and sound-)
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