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小並感 (koooonaaaamiiii)勝手に追加すんな (not selfish add to)現実逃避 (attack on titan)ファッキュー! (fuck you!)志摩スペイン村 (Shima spain village)進撃のかりん (attack on titan)http://sngk.net/ (ggrks)確信ッ (conviction)《確信》 (conviction)(確信) (conviction)進撃の江頭 (attack on titan)進撃の江頭 (attack on titan)頭大丈夫? (head okay?)ココナッツ (CoCo-Nuts)怖いわぁ (scary wow)キチガイ (mad)進撃の巨人 (attack on that one guy over there)アナザーなら死んでた (was dead if another)進撃の巨人 (attack on that one dude over there)なんでや!? (why!?)フッ (bjtter smile)フッ (bjtter smile)進撃の>:D (attack on that one guy over there)進撃の:D (attack on that one guy over there)進撃の:) (attack on that one guy over there)進撃の巨人 (attack on that one guy over there)進撃の巨人 (attack on that one guy standing over there)暇な人ォ? (leisure person?)間違いは? (matigai)4̗͓͞ͅ5̶̩̟̭͙q̦̖w͎̝̞̰̥6̞78̱̣9̨ (attack on that one guy over there)有田のう〇こ (attack on titan)31283123 (attack on that one guy over there)進撃の巨人 (attack on that one guy over there)何それ美味しいの? (what it delicious?)何それ美味しいの? (what it delicious?)BBQ 2016 (Dream summer ~ in)知ってた (I knew)知らなかった (did not know)それな! (I know,right?)進撃のトム (attack on tom)
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