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進撃の巨人 (José Farçadas)連敗の巨人 (lose of     titan)連敗の巨人 (lose oftitan)川井タクアン (attack on titan)to the end." ()a warrior  () my duty as  ()and carry out... () of my actions...  () consequences ()YehGan游戏频道 (小玩家)to face the ()that I have ()I do know  ()But...  ()anymore...  ()anymore... But... ()what's right  ()what's right anymore... ()"I don't know...  ()"I don't know... what's right anymore... But... I do know that I have to face the consequences of my actions... and carry out... my duty as a warrior to the end." ()進撃の巨人 ("I don't know... what's right anymore... But... I do know that I have to face the consequences of my actions... and carry out... my duty as a warrior to the end.")1限ぶっちマン (Ithigen butti man)attack on titan (attack on titan)fabrizzio chi (attack on titan)ecología (attack on titan)吉筋の腹筋 (18 prohibition)吉筋の腹筋 (eighteen)デスノート (DEATH NOTE)吉筋の腹筋 ()LA BATTAGLIA DEI GIGANTI (attack on titan)進撃のやすお (attack on shinmei)お、サイトゥー!! (attack on saitou)と神 (HEL DIOS)イカドリチンのホットドッグ ()みんなおはよ (attack on titan)おはよ (attack on titan)MEDIO QUE (attack on trump)新世界の狂人:革命 (Shingeki no Kyojin: Revolution)新世界の狂人:革命 (Shingeki no Kyojin: Revolution)
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