REINER (is STRAIGHT. How many time has he hinted about wanting Christa? Please, how many. You don't know HOW MUCH I HATE REIBERT. Immensely. Beyond words.)

作成日 2016/08/13 / 得票はありません → 投票する


REINER (is STRAIGHT. How many time has he hinted about wanting Christa? Please, how many. You don't know HOW MUCH I HATE REIBERT. Immensely. Beyond words.)

REINER (is STRAIGHT. How many time has he hinted about wanting Christa? Please, how many. You don't know HOW MUCH I HATE REIBERT. Immensely. Beyond words.)



REINER (is STRAIGHT. How many time has he hinted about wanting Christa? Please, how many. You don't know HOW MUCH I HATE REIBERT. Immensely. Beyond words. BEST FRIENDS does NOT mean GAY. Childhood friends does not mean gay. I don't know why everything thinks that's what it means.) NUT () I DONT KNOW (dick from shit) RANDY (YOUR STICKS)
I DON'T (know dick from shit) RANDY (your sticks) I LOVE YOU (thats right i love you and i want to comfort and care for you because you are the love of my life) CHILDHOOD FRIENDS (does not mean gay)
