REINER (is STRAIGHT. How many time has he hinted about wanting Christa? Please, how many.)

作成日 2016/08/13 / 得票はありません → 投票する


REINER (is STRAIGHT. How many time has he hinted about wanting Christa? Please, how many.)

REINER (is STRAIGHT. How many time has he hinted about wanting Christa? Please, how many.)



CHILDHOOD FRIENDS (does not mean gay) REINER (is STRAIGHT. How many time has he hinted about wanting Christa? Please, how many. You don't know HOW MUCH I HATE REIBERT.) REINER (is STRAIGHT. How many time has he hinted about wanting Christa?) I LOVE YOU (thats right i love you and i want to comfort and care for y)
I DON'T (know dick from shit) RANDY YOUR STICKS () RANDY (your sticks) BEST FRIENDS (does not mean gay)
